Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Sports matter little

There are certain times in life when sports are trumped by things in the outside world whether they be natural disaster or an act of terror like yesterday. It is ironic then that a horrible act of terror occured at a sporting event, a celebrated one at that too. So, when i heard about the bombings I, to be honest did not understand the severity of it and just sort of said whatever, I have homework to do, I will pay attention to it later. Well, it is later and i thank g-d do not know anybody in Boston, and the stories are just gruesomer by the minute! I have been to Boston once with my camp, Camp Mah Kee Nack and it was a lot of fun, very nice city and to think that, it will forever be changed is crazy.  We as a nation have to come together and find out all the facts, rebuild and TRY to live normally again. It was the first time in my life that i turned on ESPN and Mike and Mike were talking about that rather than anything else. I was very young when 9/11 happened but i believe is similar in the fact that there was a ton of injuries and (knock on wood) only a few deaths. One of the people who died was named Martin Richard, this kid was 8 years old, in third grade, as a 9th grader i realize that was a long time ago, this kid could've been the greatest baseball player of all time or find a cure for cancer!!! He was doing the most innocent thing imaginable eating an ice cream cone!!!!!!!! This was a senseless act of violence on for many the happiest days in their lives conquering 26 miles, it is defintely something i cant do!! But instead because some Anti-American decided to drop bombs everywhere is ruined and it is a fact that you never get over the death of a child, so i hope that haunts whoever did this' dreams forever! We all have our speculations about who did it, neo-nazi, muslims, etc.. but right now we know nothing so unless you are family/friends with the person who did it or is the person who did it please do not speculate!! It will just make things worse. If you have any info please call 1-800-CALLFBI (225-5324) or for the police department 617.343.4200.

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